Friday 3 July 2015

Is a White Pedestal Bathroom Vanity the Right Choice for Your Bathroom?

Finding the right materials, the right color and, in general, the right vanity can be difficult. Do you want a white pedestal bathroom vanity or do you prefer black? Will it fit into the right space? Is it large enough or small enough to make sense in your bathroom? These are all serious considerations that everyday homeowners have when they remodel their bathrooms.

Choosing the right vanity may not be the most glamorous part of the remodeling process, but it is key to your success. There are a few basic things to consider and, unfortunately, if you miss one small thing, it could potentially make a large difference in the way that you experience your bathroom. Some things can be easily replaced or switched out. However, because of its size and placement, a bathroom vanity is one of the most important things to get right the first time around.

Do Modern Pedestal Bathroom Vanities Have the Right Look for Your Bathroom?

From materials to style, finding modern pedestal bathroom vanities that fit your style needs is essential.
Something as basic as color can be corrected depending on the material that you use, but it will take a substantial amount of work to change that afterward. In addition, with some materials, you may not be able to easily change the color scheme of your bathroom vanity. This could be the whole vanity or it could be a small part of your vanity that does not fit your needs. 

So while you do not generally get a professional showroom online, check the color swatches that are available to you. Don’t be afraid to ask for a second opinion from a friend or family member. If you need to compare paint or other parts that you plan to buy online side by side to check the color, you can do so. 

In some cases, people may also choose to hire a professional to come in and assess their bathroom. A professional can create a design that matches across the board while also creating the overall environment that you want. Do you want a more intimate feeling or a roomier design? Are you looking for a sleek, modern look or do you want a country home feel to your bathroom? 

If your bathroom does not make sense with the design that you currently have for the rest of your bathroom, whether in color or otherwise, it will make a significant impact. However, colors like black and white can be extremely versatile.

Search for the Right Size If You Choose a White Pedestal Bathroom Vanity

Before you pick a white pedestal bathroom vanity or anything else, take the proper measurements. This is also something that a professional can help you with. But it is crucial to getting things right. The most common issue people think of is a bathroom vanity that does not fit into the space given. It sticks out into the doorway, preventing you from opening or closing your door or it doesn’t slide into place at all?

It goes the other way as well though. Sometimes, homeowners pick a bathroom vanity that is not big enough for their bathroom. They have room for a double vanity, but instead they pick a small model that is dwarfed in their large available space. 

It is not necessarily the most glamorous space that you worry about, but it can cause significant imbalances if not properly accounted for. If you do not take the proper measurements to make sure that you have the right size vanity in the right space, you may end up with an awkward traffic blocker.

Consider the Function of Modern Pedestal Bathroom Vanities before you Buy

One of the most common things that homeowners forget about when choosing modern pedestal bathroom vanities is the function.
They get caught up in making sure that their bathroom vanity is small enough, or maybe they get pulled in by that great looking design. They forget all about something as basic as storage. Do you have enough storage room for all of your things or will your counters look cluttered?

With pedestal sinks, in particular, they can be extremely appealing and stylish. They take up a minimal amount of space, which seems like an obvious benefit in a small space. But they also have little to no storage, meaning that you would need to store things either on the counter or find somewhere else nearby. 

You may end up crowding your bathroom more with all of the cabinets you buy for storage than you would by finding the right bathroom vanity that makes sense for you.

When considering the functionality of a vanity, some simply assume that they will be able to slide a vanity into place and start using it. Unfortunately, it requires plumbing, you have to secure it into place, and depending on what kind of vanity you have, this can all take a lot of extra work.

You may want to think about things as basic as whether or not your sinks match. If you install a new type of sink, the necessary plumbing work will be much more extensive. You may need to reroute pipes and drains. With a floating vanity, you will need help holding it in place as you secure it. If you do not get the right height, you may need to place it again later on. However, the bigger danger would be if it was not secured properly and if it fell down.

If you take all of these things into account, you can find a perfect bathroom vanity that makes sense in your home. We know that you will find that there are a variety of colors sizes, and designs currently available if you simply know where to look. For more information and great options, visit our website.

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