Saturday 20 June 2015

Are Pedestal Bathroom Vanities Ideal for Your Bathroom Design?

Pedestal bathroom vanities are being used in an increasing number of bathrooms as a minimalist piece of the design. Pedestal vanities take up less space and, especially in half bathrooms or bathrooms that only have a toilet for your guests, this can open up the bathroom and make it more manageable for you or your guests. Instead of feeling that you can barely turn around, your guests will feel that they have room to breathe in a quaint bathroom.

However, as many homeowners have noticed, you have to be mindful of your bathroom design and how you want it to function before you decide on a pedestal vanity. Like any other vanity, if it does not properly fit into your bathroom design, it may leave a gaping space or worse. It may make it difficult for you to store everything that you need in an easily accessible area of your bathroom.

The good news is that there are easy ways to tell if a pedestal style vanity is right for you. It will vary and it may be right for one bathroom but not another. Here are a few of the things you can think about before you buy.

Determine How Much Storage You Need Before Buying Modern Pedestal Bathroom Vanities

The basic construction of modern pedestal bathroom vanities is simple. They include a sink, typically with a thin base that doesn’t take up too much room in your bathroom.
Depending on the style you are going for, a pedestal vanity may be wider, but they often take up as little room as possible.

If you have a small bathroom with a shower or tub though, storage may be more essential. If you are planning on using it for different things, you may need room to store things like your brush, toothbrush, and makeup. When you have to buy extra storage containers, they won’t always be as attractive as an all-in-one vanity would’ve been and it may make your bathroom seem significantly more crowded. Utility is key.

However, especially if you have a guest bathroom that does not have a shower or bathtub, you may not need the counter space or drawers. You may not mind having a soap container on the sink and with such limited space, every inch counts. There is no reason to have a full vanity, and a pedestal vanity can be stylish and functional.

There are some cases when vendors will try to add storage into a pedestal design, but it is generally limited and extremely uncommon.

Consider the Materials and Colors that You Want Before Investing in Pedestal Bathroom Vanities

The white pedestal bathroom vanity has become one of the most popular options. The crisp, clean look of a white vanity, especially in ceramic, is attractive and durable at the same time. Some homeowners consider it easier to keep clean, in part because of the limited space. However, depending on your color scheme, white may or may not be the right color for you. 

Before you even start shopping, nail down your most basic requirements such as color. This will save you a significant amount of time and effort in finding exactly what you are looking for. In addition, it can save you a lot of confusion.

Things like taking the measurements of your bathroom to make sure that you get the right size, whatever you may buy, can prevent you from buying the wrong model and not finding out until it’s already too late. Pedestal vanities come in many different shapes and sizes, and it may or may not be right for you.

Will a White Pedestal Bathroom Vanity Fit Your Style?

You may have a certain style in mind. But it doesn’t always make sense with your bathroom, which is even true of a white pedestal bathroom vanity. Pedestal vanities often provide a vintage look with a modern edge that can be highly appealing. 

However, it doesn’t always work out the way you imagine. If you need to bring in an independent party with more experience in design, then they can help you to identify your core theme and find pedestal sinks or vanities would fit into what you have right now or what you will have once you remodel your bathroom (in the near future).

The good news is that these vanities and sinks are typically very versatile. 

Maintenance and Cleaning Can Be a Breeze with Modern Pedestal Bathroom Vanities

Because of their small size and often simplified designs, maintenance and cleaning can be a breeze with modern pedestal bathroom vanities. Depending on how much you use them, bathrooms collect bacteria. 

The materials that most pedestal vanities are made of are smooth and clear. Some can camouflage grime and dirt buildup. With materials like ceramic, staining is not generally an issue. You will still need to wipe your pedestal sink down on a regular basis with a bathroom disinfectant. If you do though, it will only take you a few minutes and there is no reason for you not to be fully satisfied with the look and feel of your bathroom. Your visitors will notice the difference.

The deciding factor for some homeowners though is the cost of pedestal vanities. Because they are smaller in size, easier to ship, etc, they can often be more cost effective than bigger vanities. If you are on a tight budget and you have a bathroom that makes sense with this smaller sink, it may be the perfect solution for your needs.

For more options and better pricing, click here our website

Tuesday 16 June 2015

Are Modern Pedestal Bathroom Vanities a Perfect Fit for Your Bathroom?

When you buy modern pedestal bathroom vanities to remodel your bathroom, factors such as color, material, size, and shape are all essential things to consider in order to make an informed decision. While many different types of vanities ultimately serve the same purpose, this does not mean that they are exactly the same. There are some things that are more important than others and you need to be able to tell the difference to pick the model that will satisfy all of your needs.

Obviously, there are functional differences between individual vanities such as size, shape, storage capacity, etc. But you can tell which vanity is best suited to you and your particular needs if you know how to differentiate and what to look for.

Basic Design & Space Considerations Are Key When Shopping for Pedestal Bathroom Vanities for Sale
When you shop for pedestal bathroom vanities for sale, you should consider things such as the basic design as well as the amount of space that you have to work with.
Generally speaking, a bathroom vanity has a sink, a countertop, a base, and it may have cabinets and drawers that are built into the vanity itself.

In some cases, the vanity itself floats above the ground. In other cases, it has legs that extend to the ground giving it a set height. If you like the size and shape of a vanity, then consider whether or not it fits into your bathroom. You have to be fairly practical about some parts of the process.

Pedestal sinks typically take up only small amounts of space, giving you more space around it. However, most models do not provide any storage. So if you have things to store in your bathroom, this may mean translating that extra space into other forms of storage. For small bathrooms or “half baths” though, you may not necessarily need that extra space including counter space.

If this is the case, then a pedestal vanity may be the perfect tool to open up the look and feel of your bathroom. However, you should consider how you will use a bathroom before making any commitments to a pedestal vanity.

Do Modern Pedestal Bathroom Vanities Make Sense with Your Style?

Depending on color and design, modern pedestal bathroom vanities may or may not actually make sense. Yes, it may be the perfect size to maximize your bathroom and if you don’t need the storage room, it makes the design that much easier.

However, there are parts of your bathroom design that you may need to reconsider. If you get a pedestal vanity that has a Greek design, you need to ask yourself if the rest of the bathroom matches it. If you get white or black, does it fit into your current or future bathroom color scheme? Don’t wait too long to repaint your bathroom if you are going in a new direction. You want everything to match as much as possible within a relatively short period of time.

Have You Made the Proper Accommodations to Install Pedestal Bathroom Vanities for Sale?

The installation process may seem fairly simple for some people. For some users, installing pedestal bathroom vanities for sale is second nature. If you have experience with home design, remodeling, and other similar projects, there is no reason why you shouldn’t have this kind of training. However, if you are a proud DIYer, you may not have the right skillset.

Unfortunately, if you are not doing things the right way, your pedestal vanity may not actually be as secure and safe as it needs to be. It isn’t quite as simple as just sliding a pedestal vanity of any style into the corner. It doesn’t have a wide enough base or a balanced shape like many other vanities do. You also want to consider exactly where you are going to install it so that it makes sense and balances your bathroom rather than throwing it off.

Have You Considered All of Your Options in Modern Pedestal Bathroom Vanities?

You may have checked into numerous sites online to find pedestal bathroom vanities for sale.
Maybe you found one vanity, in particular, that makes sense for your bathroom. However, even if you have found the perfect design, how do you know if you have the best price?

If you look on discount sites first, you may have a false assumption about your options. In short, you may think that your options are more limited than they actually are. However, if you shop on all of the expensive sites first, you may also have deep misconceptions about the average price of a great vanity. You only get one side of the equation when you specifically start with either an expensive site or a cheap site.

If you start with a Google image search, on the other hand, you can find the right look and get an idea of what is possible. Once you have a basic name for the vanity you are looking for, that’s when you can search that name to find more competitive pricing. Does this work? Yes.

From space and size to storage, style, and color, you have an ever increasing number of options available to you. Prices for many luxurious vanities are decreasing to the point where the average homeowner can, in fact, afford a high-quality vanity that looks the part.

If you are interested in finding the best bathroom pedestal vanities and reasonable prices that fit within your budget, don’t wait. Learn more about your options and pricing and make an educated decision that fits your needs.